
Work hard, play hard

I've finally found a job. Except that's sort of a lie...I've signed up to a temp agency and am going to ring them up/go in/annoy them constantly until they give me work. Being insanely irritating: definitely the way to get places in life. I don't think the work itself is going to be particularly exciting. But seeing as I owe my parents a shiz load from travelling, I'm not really in a position to be choosy. Generally, most of the work I'll be getting (probably tempting fate here) requires a 'corporate' wardrobe. Hmmm...at first I was a bit disapointed with this. I have a serious soft spot for leopard print and I'm not sure how easily some of my items would blend in to an office full of twin sets and shapeless skirts. This feeling was magnified by the fact that we had to wear matching suits throughout Sixth Form. Any sixteen year old in a suit looks like a pretentious knob. FACT.
But now I am nineteen, and clearly I am wise and mature and sophisticated. I don't still say LOL in real life. Hell nah. 'Corporate' needn't fill me with fear. In fact, it could be quite exciting. Finally I can look at the Elle Workwear section and feel part of it! My first thought was a camel coloured leather dress from h&m that I've been coveting for a fair while now. Paired with a black blazer and my black topshops suede wedges...but then I realised that spending £70 on a dress before I've actually earnt anything might be a bit stupid. And not mature or wise or sophisticated. So I've had a rifle through my own wardrobe and put together a few ideas...

(H&M blouse, grey Zara wool hareems, Topshop suede wedges, Vintage necklace and cuff)

(Topshop tuxedo dress, H&M polka dot tights, Reiss shoes)

(Zara blazer, H&M t-shirt, Topshop skirt, Topshop Shoes)

(Vintage blouse, Diesel grey jeans, Reiss shoes)

I'm not sure the last outfit's really office appropriate, but I needed to fit some animal print in there somewhere. I'm not sure you can tell because of the hideous photography (I have to use my iphone having dropped my camera off a wall I was clambering up...as you do), but the blouse has a cheetah print PLUS tigers' faces on it. Saaaaweet.

1 comment:

  1. ugh I'm so jealous of your work wardrobe. it's seriously fly. and beats the crap out of my plastic red shirt.
